Network Marketing TrainingHere are the KEY steps to SUCCESS with USANA.
This is Action learning. Do and Improve. Nothing less Nothing More. *** Training's. Select, open to full size,Top right. Zoom in with double click.These files are great to Print and have on hand for study and reference. ***
#1. Invite
#2. Present #3. Enroll Articles from the top to Help You Grow Your USANA Business
What is Brilliant Web Tour ?
It is not a starting point other than the free training. It is a full feature Online Marketing System. It is crucial when getting set up with USANA to follow the BDS, Business Development System and the E-Apprentice course and instruction. Complete the Geting Started Right 10 steps and setting up your action plan. I ask My associates to Go All In and become Primer Platinum Pace Setters. That equals a lifetime raise. While practicing and developing the skills of Invite, Present and Sponsor. Get this and you can take it to the bank. Brilliant Web Tour
Basic Getting Started Training Going to this page provides an audio visual guide for getting STARTING WITH USANA It will guide through the steps of setting up for business properly.
Together We Achieve, What Alone We Can Not..................... The One Team......................Our Goals, Our Work, Our Success!!